Course Description and Typical Schedule
The Lawyer's Compass Workshop:
Character, Ethics and Trust in Modern Legal Practice
Lawyers are different. Our role in society in general, and the legal system in particular, places great responsibility in our hands. Our ethical rules call upon us to exercise that responsibility in a manner that differentiates us positively in our modern world. Despite this opportunity, our profession suffers from ever declining levels of public perceptions of our value to society and trustworthiness. At the same time, technology and competition threaten professional opportunities.
Our future success and fulfillment resides in learning how to expand trust and confidence in each of us as a practitioner and in our profession in general. Doing so requires a comprehensive review how each of us can harness the power of trust, the key driver in successful relationships, to enhance our personal and professional lives.
The Lawyer's Compass Workshop focuses your attention on the critical interplay between your character and competencies and how they combine to build trust in client relationships. In particular, you will:
Learn How and Why Trust is the Primary Driver of Success In the Attorney/Client Relationship and in Your Practice
Discover How Your Character is Derived from Your Values and Actions
Identify Your Individual Personality Type and How This Guides Your Actions Daily
Walk-through a Comprehensive Review of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct to Uncover its Inherent System of Values and Aspirations
Learn Professional Competencies That Will Help You Quickly Build Trust in Client Relationships
Discover a System for Identifying and Managing the Four Expectations That Every Client Holds in Every Engagement
Explore How We Derive Congruence, Satisfaction and Contentment in Legal Practice
Build Your Own Lawyer's Compass to Guide Your Efforts in Building Future Personal and Professional Fulfillment and Success
Take an Opportunity to Reflect on How to Become “The Aspirational Lawyer”
Typical One-Day Course Outline
9:00 to 10:30 Modern Practice and the Demand for Trust
The Practice of Law Today and Tomorrow
Current State of the Legal Profession: The Three-Dimensional Crisis and Lack of Trust
The Future of Work: Technology and Markets Are Causing Radical Changes to the Nature of Work
Trust Model of Legal Practice: Character and Competency
Trust and the Lawyer Advisory Relationship
How Do We Create Trust? Character and Competency
Values Are the Key to Building Trust
10:30 to 10:45 Break
10:45 to 12:15 Model Rules of Professional Conduct: Our Ethical Framework
Status and History of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct
The Role of Values in Ethical Practice
MRPC Matrix and Underlying Values
The Broken Compass: The Rule Compliant, Unethical Lawyer
12:15 to 1:15 Lunch
1:15 to 2:45 Generating Trust and Personal Contentment
Becoming a Trust Generator
Trust Building Professional Competencies
Exceeding Expectations in the Client Relationship
Contentment Theory: Values, Congruence, Satisfaction and Calling
Values: Your Foundation
Congruence: Matching Who You Are to Where You Are
Satisfaction in Activity: Happiness, Fulfillment and Excellence
Calling: Where Activity Takes Place for Others
2:45 to 3:00 Break
3:00 to 4:30 Building the Lawyer's Compass and The Aspirational Lawyer
Congruence Theory of the Lawyer's Compass
What Are Your Values? How Do You Spend Your Time?
The Lawyer's Compass Tool
Becoming The Aspirational Lawyer
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For Information on Booking The Lawyer's Compass